Thursday, December 01, 2005

today i turned old

today i'm as old as my older brother. it's true. for a few weeks every year we are the same age.
(i understand that this is only in terms of whole numbers, and that i'm not literally the same age as resist the desire to clarify that fact for me :)

rather than keep the past hidden, here is a link to a few pictures that my mom keeps posting on her blog.

*check out the one with us all playing music - what's going on with my brother chris's shirt??? *


Mom and Dad Passaro said...

Oh, yes, that awful shirt...but you guys were having so much fun being musicians, I just had to take the picture anyway.

Jason said...

Happy Birthday Mike!

jason said...

Happy Birthdy big boy!!! You're still younger than me so you do have that going for you... I pray you're doing well...

Coffee sometime???


alightonahill said...

yeah jason - we need to do that...see now that i'm old i've actually started drinking coffee...thanks to daniel and my brother tom...

Allison said...

can we sing to you at the christmas party on saturday? :) or shouldn't you sing and play for yourself? it would sound a lot better...

alightonahill said...

haha - i'll bring my lyre

shellyeve said...

happy birthday - the pixs are funny - and i think i made you drink coffee a few times - i'm just looking for the credit....

alightonahill said...

credit ***** (that's official credit sprinkle dust...)

i just finished listening to a c.j. mahaney message from the Resolved conference and he talked about thanking those that sow and holding them in high regard - even more than those that reap...

shelly sowed. daniel and tom reaped. the application is obvious :)

tom said...

don't fear the reaper.

shellyeve said...


Josh said...

i got to witness the progression...

caswell - a cup of hot milk and sugar with a few drops of coffee

starbucks - twice you had a cold mocha thing (i obviously dont know anything about coffee drinks)

starbucks just a few days ago - you made the switch to a hot mocha thing, with real coffee and everything...

and you liked it

congradulations, mike, on your newly acquired addiction to a drug