Saturday, February 25, 2006

I do have a point...

Goal Leaders:

Mike Passaro14

Robert Doring13

Gino Giangreco13

Bryan Paynter11

Doug Betherick10

Bob Olsen9

Doug Nickel8

Jay Paradowski8

Chris Young8

Brian Hooks7
...view all
Assist Leaders:

Mike Passaro

Robert Doring

Gino Giangreco11

Doug Nickel9

Bob Olsen8

Keith Andes7

Leroy Lee7

Jason Campbell6

Mike Cassetta6

Keith Cramer6
...view all
Points Leaders:

Mike Passaro27

Robert Doring26

Gino Giangreco24

Doug Nickel17

Bob Olsen17

Bryan Paynter17

Doug Betherick14

Chris Young14

Jay Paradowski13

Tim Hesse12
...view all
I play in a hockey league on Saturdays and this year I capture the points title, despite having played 2 less games than the guy that came in second. Just in case you're wondering, in hockey you get 1 point for a goal, and 1 point for an assist. We started the playoffs today, and my team advanced to the championship game which will be held on March 18th.

I also take special offense to Allison's comment about my blog having the odor of favoritehood. I've been blogging consistently, and my last few posts have received considerable comments. I've also been active on the commenting boards. I've been published at whattomsays, shellyeve, and nickroark. And now the favoritehood comment? Favoritehood hasn't been updated in like 8 months...I would go there to check, but I can't stand to look at it anymore...think about it...i've got points here...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

words and phrases

I've been on a kick recently to examine the words and phrases that we use all the time without even thinking about it. Feel free to comment in with your favorites, but here are a few of mine:

1. Under the weather = Everyone knows that it means to be sick, but it came into use when sailors would be sick. They would go below deck and be "under" the weather.

2. Mind your P's and Q's = People say it when they want others to mind their own business, but most people don't know that it comes from the pubs when drinkers would get out of hand. The bartender would tell people to mind their Pints and Quarts...

3. On a kick...

4. Boil it down...

5. Up to par...

6. people use "literally" when they really mean "figuratively"...but you never hear anyone say, "i figuratively spent an hour on hold!"

On another note, I was thinking the other day about what "a ton" is. When I was a kid, I used to think of "a ton" as the biggest measurement known to man. I guess I was really suprised to find out that "a ton of people" (..."wow...there's a ton of people here!") is only 8-12 normal sized adults. whoda thunk...

i'll be adding more later, as we continue to use idioms in sentences "all the time"...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

just to clarify

Isaiah 40:8

...maybe I should make myself clear. The last post was a sarcastic post. I was not in any way really trying to end my singleness by getting any girl in the world to accept my stolen rose picture. But I do appreciate everyone stepping into the pulpit to help me see that the internet is not the place to order ...i mean...find a wife.

From now on, I will post Bible quotes, pictures from other peoples' blogs, and puritan quotes.

(more sarcasm)...

Monday, February 13, 2006

be mine...

be mine is such a valentine's phrase, but I don't like it. it's too needy and self centered. it says "give to me." which i don't like to much. So this year, i'm going to do it a little differently.

Daniel, and some of my other church leaders think that I need to jump on the "get a girl" bandwagon. In fact, they'll suggest any single girl so that she can "be mine". They also think that I'm being too passive about my singleness. SO - instead of hunting down any single christian girl i figured I would start with at least a valentine.

so - here's my first gift, to the first single christian girl that will accept :)

Monday, February 06, 2006

Do You Tremble?

It's been brought to my attention that my blog needs updating before it reaches "favoritehood", before I post a lame few paragraphs about how not much is going on in life :) I had to find a picture. (people with digital cameras have the advantage in blogging)

So here's my update: Shelly and I recently had the chance to go to Dallas to record a song for a Wes King tribute CD. He is battling cancer, and a bunch of artists teamed up to record his songs and sell the CD to raise money for him. Shelly and I recorded his song called "Do You Tremble". If you haven't listened to Wes's music, you're really missing out on some great lyrics. I'm posting the lyrics below, and you can go to to listen to a clip of the song we did, and songs that the other artists recorded.

Have you counted the stars in the heavens
Have you walked the circumference of the earth
Have you measured the boundaries of the universe
Do you tremble at the Word of God

Have you uncovered the souce of the thunder
Have you tamed the crashing mighty sea
Have you defied the force of gravity
Do you tremble at the Wod of God

The wise will hear Him and obey His word
Long and blessed will be their days upon the earth
The fool will perish in the folly of his ways
Do you tremble at the Word of God

Have you considered the scope of eternity
In the light of unwavering truth
Have you regarded the works of a strong and mighty hand
Do you tremble at the Word of God

Oh, the LORD loves those who fear Him
Oh, the LORD loves those who fear Him