Saturday, February 25, 2006

I do have a point...

Goal Leaders:

Mike Passaro14

Robert Doring13

Gino Giangreco13

Bryan Paynter11

Doug Betherick10

Bob Olsen9

Doug Nickel8

Jay Paradowski8

Chris Young8

Brian Hooks7
...view all
Assist Leaders:

Mike Passaro

Robert Doring

Gino Giangreco11

Doug Nickel9

Bob Olsen8

Keith Andes7

Leroy Lee7

Jason Campbell6

Mike Cassetta6

Keith Cramer6
...view all
Points Leaders:

Mike Passaro27

Robert Doring26

Gino Giangreco24

Doug Nickel17

Bob Olsen17

Bryan Paynter17

Doug Betherick14

Chris Young14

Jay Paradowski13

Tim Hesse12
...view all
I play in a hockey league on Saturdays and this year I capture the points title, despite having played 2 less games than the guy that came in second. Just in case you're wondering, in hockey you get 1 point for a goal, and 1 point for an assist. We started the playoffs today, and my team advanced to the championship game which will be held on March 18th.

I also take special offense to Allison's comment about my blog having the odor of favoritehood. I've been blogging consistently, and my last few posts have received considerable comments. I've also been active on the commenting boards. I've been published at whattomsays, shellyeve, and nickroark. And now the favoritehood comment? Favoritehood hasn't been updated in like 8 months...I would go there to check, but I can't stand to look at it anymore...think about it...i've got points here...


Allison said...

All I was pointing out was that your last post occurred on Feb. 16 and it was Feb. 25 when I made the offensive comment in question. I mean, 9 days without a post!? What is that about?

I beg for forgiveness for putting Better Days in the same sentence with Favoritehood. I do recognize that Better Days is of a much higher caliber and I repent and will turn from my mistakes.

alightonahill said...

it's ok - i understand that people that read my blog need updates at least every day, if not several times a day.

i will do my best to give the people what they need

tom said...

"i don't know how to tell you this, but i'm a pretty big deal."

haha. indeed, we do need better days every day. as for favoritehood, i think that we should not utter its name anymore, and write it Fvrthd, the way they used to write Yahweh without vowels - and never say it - only for opposite reasons.

Clif said...

i had no idea you were such a dominating force on the ice. not only do you hold the lead in points, but you just flew up the cool scale in my mind.


Mom and Dad Passaro said...




Patti said...

what ice? mikey doesn't go on the ice...hahaha it's foot hockey and i think we should all get together and go to this championship game. how funny would it be to see all of us at one of those foot hockey games...hahaha

Clif said...

Foot hockey! what is that and why was i deceived into thinking mike strapped on the gear to go bloody some noses? Your position is teetering on my cool scale, but i think you will stay up there.

Allison said...

dude, blogging less than once a week is not consistent

(putting 'dude' at the beginning lessens the sense of a direct personal attack and increases the sense of friendly disappointment)

Jay said...

Mike is a beast. um maybe you are too good for your league...they should force you to play in your socks, that way you will slide around like you were on skates :)

alightonahill said...

Hockey League Details...
there are 3 types of players
a. players that used to play ice/roller, but don't have time because they can't play mon/tues AND wed @ 10:00 pm

b. players that have never skated but can shoot in the upper 90s (mph) and are considered A players at tournaments

c. players that are not very good but enjoy the excercise

i happen to be player a. (and can shoot in the upper 90s :) so BACK OFF

Jay said...

yeah go mike! he will take you 90mph. i remember when cars speedometors stopped at 85mph haha....sorry i am very random

Patti said...

josh....are you posting from Allison's blogger adress again?

Ginny said...

I"m new to this Michael.. but what is favoritehood?
And it was great seeing you last weekend for 30 seconds. ha.

alightonahill said...

fvrthd or "favoritehood" was a blog started by daniel that was supposed to be the mother of all blogs. you can view it at, even though i don't recommend it.

it hasn't been updated since october, but still claims to be the coolest blog on the w-w-w.

maybe next time you'll get to see me for ...a whole minute! happy charlotting

Jay said...

yeah ...DOWN WITH FVRTHD.....i shall never visit that site....simply because mike told us not too. all hail MkPssr! hahah go mike!

heyoka047 said...

i'm not too far off with 5 goals, and i dunno my assists, but i'm sure there's a few! i missed the beginning of the season where's my props?...and i'm a defender!